Thursday, April 29, 2021

Blog Post #11: Privacy, Online & Off

While we think that we are guaranteed certain rights as citizens, this class has taught me that many of our rights are restricted and the government does a great job of finding loopholes.

The first TED talk we watched was about four subjects that seemed like they did not go together at all, but ended up tying in nicely with the theme of the presentation at the end. The four topics were: big idea, tattoos, immortality, and the Greeks. Juan Enriquez, the presenter, stated "tattoos really do shout." They tell a story without saying anything. Social media sites are electronic tattoos that "provide as much information about who and what you are as any tattoo ever would." Juan then went on to describe that our online presence is immortal because it will live on long after our lives end. This is why our online presence is so important and we should be very careful what we put on the internet and protect our passwords because who knows what people could find out about us when we are not here to defend ourselves, or even when we are here. 

The second TED talk we watched was less interesting, but still had important information that was shocking to find out. Police cars have scanners on their cars that quickly scan the cars that drive by and pull up a track record on that person and car including their criminal record. These scanners basically rate how good of a person you are and the more things you have on your record, the more likely you are to get pulled over for something minor; where as a clean person might not get pulled over for doing the same illegal thing as the person with the track record. 

I wish that the rights we were given actually apply to us in every situation they are supposed to apply in. The government has way too much power over the public. However, it is our job to educate ourselves about our rights and stand up for ourselves to protect our rights and privacy.

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