Thursday, April 29, 2021

Blog Post #12: EOTO Presentations Round 2

The second round of presentations was very interesting to me. I have heard of these terms and concepts without knowing the definitions. For example, disinformation is people deliberately produce wrong information to prove their stature of power. It is also known as "fake news," I have heard of fake news before, mostly associated with Trump, but I never knew the proper term was disinformation. 

Another thing I found out about was the Total Information Awareness Program, they get data on us and release it to the government. An example of this is a website called Next College Student Athlete (NCSA). I googled myself to see what information popped up and this website had some suspicious results a suspicious result. They had some of my personal information that I am not sure as to how they gained that information.This is a scary topic because it applies to almost every person in the world due to the amount of information about us that is online.  

The last term I learned about that I knew of, but never knew what it meant was a "whistle blower." Whistler blowers know of wrong doing by the government and alert the public. For the longest time I thought whistle blowers were the bad people committing the wrong doing, maybe that is because that is what the government wants us to believe. Eric Snowden is a prime example of this misunderstood term. He is a man was put in jail for alerting the public about classified information that was stolen from the National Security Association (NSA) and leaked. However, the man who did the original illegal act is not in jail. Eric Snowden is plastered as the bad guy because it is easier to blame the person who spoke up for the wrong doing they witnessed. 

These terms have gone right over my head in the past, and I was quick to believe anything I was told. This class has taught me to do my own research and create my own opinions so you do not get scammed by these power hungry companies and automatically believe what they tell you. The truth is, more often than not, the major companies are lying or fibbing to cover the possible illegal acts they are committing. 

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