Monday, April 12, 2021

Blog Post #5: In The Age of AI

AI is a topic that most people think is as unfathomable and futuristic as aliens arriving on earth. However, AI is prevalent today and is used in some way all over the world; and it is only improving functionality. China is a very electronic country that uses data about ten times more than America. An AI scientist named Kai-Fu Lee stated, "in the age where data is the new oil, china is the new Saudi Arabia." A part of AI is deep learning algorithm, this is the concept that you can program a computer to do a task as simple as winning a game and the computer will figure out how to do that within a certain number of games. 

A common concern with a topic such as AI is privacy. For example, China uses facial scanning and other forms of AI to pay for everything from groceries to fines for j-walking. This is a somewhat scary thing that your face is put into a program and run by a government or tech company to gain access to your personal information. However, there are major benefits to AI such as driverless cars and trucks. About 90% of road fatalities are due to human error, if we could reduce that to 0% due to humans, that could change the way our world operates. 

The topic of "Big Brother" refers to a "higher power" company of governmental body tracking and watching our every move through hidden cameras. I feel that AI can and will be a threat to national security because if the government can get all your information and use facial recognition, why would that stop another country from hacking the system to get that information. Whenever there is a new development in technology or anything for that matter, there is a learning curve and things we don't know about the things we created. So, you take a risk every time you make a futuristic breakthrough and can put the public in danger. This transfers to online security and identity theft as well. 

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